Message from the President

We have made continued and tireless efforts for more than 140 years since the company's establishment in 1876, with pine chemical - chemistry of the natural resin gum rosin (pine resin) as its core technology. This has been achieved through the support of all parties with stakes in our company including our shareholders, business partners, and the local community.
As such, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for the support offered by all parties.
We have developed and provided our customers with products that contribute to daily life such as chemicals for paper manufacturing, resins for printing inks, and resins for adhesives, by means of sustainable materials represented by rosin and our proprietary technologies cultivated over years.
Arakawa Chemical Group is determined to become a chemical manufacturer that supports the "REAL" and "DIGITAL" world. For our further growth,
we produce materials related to life science in a sustainable ecosystem. In addition, we have been reorganizing our business portfolio as well as reinforcing our core technologies such as Rosin, water-based polymer and hydrogenation technology.
Based on the basic policy of the 5th medium-term management plan "V-ACTION for sustainability," which started in April 2021, we have strengthened our driving force by creating a new management structure to achieve sustainable growth. We are promoting KIZUNA management based on the Group's values and action guidelines, aiming to be an indispensable company for the maintenance and development of each industry in 2026, the 150th anniversary of our founding, and even beyond. We will strongly promote business portfolio reforms, such as improving profitability through a qualitative shift in overall business operations and accelerating the creation of new businesses, especially in the life science field, while continuing to strive to meet the expectations of all stakeholders and continue to be a trusted company. In addition, we will continue to contribute to the sustainable development of the company by placing the highest priority on safe operations, pursuing quality and environmental protection, strengthening corporate governance functions, and proactively implementing sustainability initiatives throughout the supply chain to contribute to the realization of a carbon-circulating society.
We look forward to your further support and cooperation.
President Nobuyuki Takagi