What sort of company is Arakawa Chemical?
What sort of company is Arakawa Chemical?

Established in 1876, Arakawa Chemical has a history of over 140 years.
Arakawa Chemical was established as a natural medicine company in 1876 in Fushimi-machi, Osaka. We had dealt with pine resin, the source of rosin, since our establishment, and it can be said that our history was made together with rosin.

Our main raw material is rosin which is collected from pine trees.
Rosin is made by refining pine resin. Rosin is mainly manufactured in China. However, Arakawa Chemical handles over half of the total volume of rosin imported into Japan. We are the market leader in the domestic rosin industry. We manufacture intermediate materials for industrial use using rosin as a main raw material, thus supporting daily life.

In printed materials, adhesive tapes, and digital home electrical appliances, etc.
Because Arakawa Chemical's products are intermediate materials, although they cannot be seen directly, they are present all around you. For example, Arakawa Chemical's products are used in paper and ink for newspapers and magazines. They are also used in corrugated cardboard used for packing, packing tape, and flat-screen televisions. They play important roles in unseen places.

Several of our products boast top market shares in the domestic industry.
Arakawa Chemical's core products consisting of chemicals for papermaking, resins for printing inks, and resins for adhesives and stickers boast the largest market shares in the domestic market. These Arakawa Chemical products support commonplace things in daily life such as colorful printed materials and adhesive tapes that stick well.

Only Arakawa Chemical can manufacture ultra-pale rosin.
Rosin is generally yellowish brown in color. However, Arakawa Chemical developed the world's first almost colorless and transparent rosin. Because amounts of impurities are extremely small in comparison with normal rosin, this colorless rosin is used as an tackifying component in medical applications. Arakawa Chemical's ultra-pale rosin is the only product of its kind in the world.

Development of products that do not contain organic solvents
From an early stage, Arakawa Chemical has pursued environmentally-friendly manufacturing using the natural resin rosin. For example, in 2003, we were the first company in our industry to develop a tackifier resin that did not contain any harmful organic solvents, while maintaining high levels of tackiness.

Acceleration of business expansion in China
Starting from the establishment of a joint venture company in Taiwan in 1967, we established local companies in the United States, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Germany. In China in particular, we are accelerating business expansion through the construction of several production factories.